1. Padahastasana
The forward bend position creates the movement of blood vessels in the direction of the face, head and upper body, which normally, according to gravity, these areas do not have as strong circulation as when the body is in an upside down position.
How to practice: Stand straight, inhale, raise your arms above your head.
2. Prasarita Padottanasana
With the same effect of helping maintain youthfulness as Padahastasana, this yoga pose is performed with legs wide open, toes facing forward.
3. Adho Mukha Svanasana
This is one of the basic yoga poses that helps the body relax while slimming the muscles in the arms, shoulders, chest and upper back, and stretching the muscles in the legs and lower back.
Lie face down, hands next to your chest, fingers straight and pointing forward.
Keep your breathing even, keep your body in this position for 10 – 15 breaths.
4. Padmasana
The lotus position helps the body concentrate its thoughts to relax, control the mind, emotions and experience fresh life every day.
Keep your back naturally curved, relax your body so that your weight falls to the floor, so that your whole body stays in the most balanced and comfortable position.
5. Trikonasana
Trikonasana pose helps maintain good health and strengthens the nervous system, helps strengthen limbs and exercises the spine.
Breathe evenly, keep the body in this position for 10 – 15 breaths.
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