Russian warships practice missile launches and blockade of the Black Sea

Avatar of Logan By Logan Jun1,2024 #Black #Russian #warships
Russian warships practice missile launches and blockade of the Black Sea 10
Russian warships practice missile launches and blockade of the Black Sea 10

(Dan Tri) – The Russian Navy conducted live-fire exercises in the Black Sea after withdrawing from the grain agreement with Ukraine.

In a statement on Telegram today, July 21, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the Black Sea Fleet `practiced launching anti-ship cruise missiles at target ships in the combat training area in the northwest of the Black Sea

`The target ship was destroyed after a missile attack,` the Russian Defense Ministry added.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, during the exercise, `ships and aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet conducted a blockade of the area temporarily banned from traveling, and at the same time took a series of measures to arrest ships violating the law.`

Russian warships practice missile launches and blockade of the Black Sea (Source: RT).

The exercise comes days after Russia refused to extend the Black Sea Grain Initiative, a deal brokered by the United Nations and Turkey with Ukraine that would have allowed Kiev to export grain through its ports.

Moscow believes that the United Nations has failed to implement the agreement and persuade Western countries to lift sanctions that hinder Russia’s food and fertilizer exports.

Russia warns that all ships heading to Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea from 0:00 on July 20 will be considered ships transporting military goods.

In response, Ukraine announced that, from 0:00 on July 21, all ships sailing on the Black Sea heading to Russian seaports and Ukrainian seaports controlled by Russia will be considered means of transporting military goods and subject to sanctions.

Ukraine also mentioned the sinking of the Russian cruiser Moskva last year, seeing it as proof of Kiev’s ability to have all the necessary tools to repel Moscow’s `aggressive` actions at sea.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky earlier this week called on the United Nations and Türkiye to restore the grain deal without Russia, stressing that `everything must be done so that Ukraine can use the Black Sea corridor`.

Black Sea location in southern Ukraine (Photo: NYT).

The Black Sea has an area larger than the US state of California.

The military port of Sevastopol, where the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy is based, has faced attacks from Ukrainian suicide boats.

Since 2014, Russia has continuously increased its presence in the Black Sea.

After the conflict in Ukraine broke out, both Russia and the West continued to expand their activities in the Black Sea.

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By Logan

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