The United Nations strongly condemned the unprecedented coup in Myanmar

The United Nations strongly condemned the unprecedented coup in Myanmar 0
The United Nations strongly condemned the unprecedented coup in Myanmar 0

(Dan Tri) – In a rare move, the United Nations General Assembly condemned Myanmar’s military coup and called for an arms embargo on this country.

Protesters use homemade shields when confronting security forces in Yangon, Myanmar (Photo: AFP).

Reuters said that on June 18, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution condemning the coup in Myanmar with 119 votes in favor, 36 abstentions and 37 members did not vote, one member opposed.

The resolution calls on the Myanmar military government to restore democracy, condemns acts of violence against civilians since the coup, and calls on countries to prevent weapons from being smuggled into Myanmar.

In addition, the resolution also calls on the Myanmar military to immediately and unconditionally release President Win Myint, State Counselor Suu Kyi and other politicians and all those detained and charged.

European Union Ambassador Olof Skoog commented that the resolution `sends a strong and tough message`, and emphasized that this is the condemnation resolution that has received the most support from Congress member countries.

Richard Gowan, director of the United Nations’ international crisis response organization, said he was aware of only three General Assembly resolutions condemning coups in this way since the Cold War.

Speaking to the press before yesterday’s vote, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said: `We cannot live in a world where military coups become a norm. That is unacceptable.`

Myanmar has been plunged into crisis since the military coup on February 1.

Protests against the military government broke out in all major cities of Myanmar.

Big explosions in succession

In a related development, on the afternoon of June 18, two consecutive large explosions rocked Yangon, Myanmar’s second largest city, near the office of the Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) – a political party.

Currently, no force has claimed responsibility for the two above-mentioned explosions.

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