Victoria’s Secret model Sanne Vloet shares her secrets to eating and maintaining a perfect figure

Victoria's Secret model Sanne Vloet shares her secrets to eating and maintaining a perfect figure 0
Victoria's Secret model Sanne Vloet shares her secrets to eating and maintaining a perfect figure 0

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Diet of models

The 22-year-old Dutch model hasn’t appeared on the catwalk since she was young – instead she appeared on a stage.

Victoria's Secret model Sanne Vloet shares her secrets to eating and maintaining a perfect figure

`Rookie` of Victoria’s Secret Sanne Vloet always appears in a perfect and attractive body (Photo Instagram@sannevloet)

Daily diet

Victoria's Secret model Sanne Vloet shares her secrets to eating and maintaining a perfect figure

Breakfast: Sanne Vloet starts her day with 1 cup of oatmeal with egg whites.

Lunch: She prioritizes protein-rich foods such as salmon, chicken or eggs, which she usually eats with green vegetables.

Snacks during the day: She has more choices with nuts or cookies, fruits like apples, avocados or some dark chocolate.

Healthy drink: Coconut water is always her number 1 priority.

Victoria's Secret model Sanne Vloet shares her secrets to eating and maintaining a perfect figure

Coconut water is an indispensable part in the life of female model Sanne Vloet (Photo Instagram@sannevloet)

Victoria's Secret model Sanne Vloet shares her secrets to eating and maintaining a perfect figure

Ingredients in coconut water help hydrate the body more effectively than specialized sports drinks and energy drinks (Getty Photo)

Victoria's Secret model Sanne Vloet shares her secrets to eating and maintaining a perfect figure

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

You will become more beautiful by giving up these 5 bad habits

Diet when traveling

Perfect figure of female model Sanne Vloet (Photo Instagram@sannevloet)

Sanne Vloet shares that she never eats food on the plane:’ ‘I always bring my own food and snacks.”

Exercise regime

Sanne Vloet in a Pilates session ( Photo Instagram@sannevloet)

Sanne Vloet practices Pilates 4 times a week or in any free time.

Sanne Vloet combines pilates and gym training (Photo Instagram@sannevloet)

According to her, the only thing that keeps us motivated to exercise is the feeling we will have afterward.

These are simple and easy-to-implement tips that you can apply.

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