In your 30s, you can keep your body healthy by working out smarter, not longer
With a heavy mentality about age, family and career burdens, many ladies hastily choose the lifestyle of ladies.
Women in their 30s, go over the hills but don’t go downhill
Reaching 30 means you face many health risks.
“The average frequency of exercise is determined at 60 minutes/week,” Professor Sprod said, “so anyone who exercises less than 60 minutes is below average, more than 60 minutes is above average and
30, don’t be afraid
Many women in their 30s welcome the new age with extreme stress and anxiety.
For those who have spent many years `fighting` from the gym to the stadium in their 20s, those days are paying off as you enter the `first 3` threshold.
According to Professor Barbara Bushman – an expert in performance physics at the University of Missouri (USA), the amount of oxygen needed to help you work faster and stronger will improve with age and exercise.
It’s not wrong to believe in the `curses` about decreased air conditioning or rapid muscle deterioration in the second half of life.
It can be said that at age 30, you can keep your body healthy by exercising smarter, not longer.
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