8 beauty tips from French muses

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec11,2023 #Beauty #French
8 beauty tips from French muses 2
8 beauty tips from French muses 2

Skip the washing step

The truth is: Tap water in many cities can be irritating to the skin, so French women often use makeup remover to wash their faces.

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8 beauty tips from French muses

French girls often use makeup remover to wash their face to moisturize the skin.

Simple skin care steps

All you need is a cleaning solution, moisturizer, and if you have a little more money, you should have a bottle of serum.

8 beauty tips from French muses

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Let hair dry naturally

Stay away from hair dryers.

8 beauty tips from French muses

Blow drying will make the hair dry and split ends so girls often choose to let their hair dry naturally to create smoothness and increase bounce.

Hair care

In addition to letting your hair dry naturally, taking care of each hair strand is also important.

Avoid wearing too much makeup

You only need to pay attention to one or two important makeup points and can eliminate unnecessary steps.

8 beauty tips from French muses

Women should avoid wearing too much makeup, which can easily damage the skin.

Always own a red lipstick

Red lipstick is always the first choice of French girls when they want to make their face stand out.

8 beauty tips from French muses

Stars around the world also apply the red lipstick tips of French ladies to look seductive and equally elegant.


A tip to help you preserve your scent throughout the working day and activities is to spray it on many points on your body.

8 beauty tips from French muses

Instead of just focusing on one spot, you should use perfume in many different spots to preserve the fragrance for the whole day of work and activities.

Persistence is the key

Don’t try to force yourself to do all of the above beauty tips if you don’t feel comfortable.

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