Effective facial care for each skin type

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec25,2023 #effective #facial
Effective facial care for each skin type 4
Effective facial care for each skin type 4

Skin care is really not simple!

Today, we won’t go into detail about introducing and delineating skin types.

1. Normal skin

This is ideal skin, so choosing products for girls with normal skin will be simpler than for other skin types.

Photo: benzoix

Facial care for girls with normal skin is to use moisturizer to maintain the skin’s protective barrier.

Effective facial care for each skin type

Photo: missmaven

In addition, you should use an additional makeup remover step in your skin care routine to completely remove sunscreen and dirt.

2. Dry skin

If you have dry skin, your facial care should focus on hydrating, moisturizing and moisturizing products.

Effective facial care for each skin type

Photo: thesleuthjournal

People with dry skin should not use products with strong cleansing properties, and should only use cleansers with a neutral pH of 5.5.

Effective facial care for each skin type

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In addition, a tip for those with dry skin is: Use a cream-based moisturizer, apply a thick layer on the face 1 to 2 hours before bed to provide nutrients to the skin.

3. Oily skin

Oily skin is essentially skin that lacks moisture.

Effective facial care for each skin type

Photo: stylecraze

Facial care for girls with oily skin is to keep their skin clean.

Because your skin lacks moisture, you should avoid using products containing alcohol that cause dry skin.

Effective facial care for each skin type

Photo: rickys-nyc

Because oily skin is quite prone to acne, you can use products containing Retinoid, or Benzoyl Peroxide, or Salicylic Acid to help treat acne.

4. Combination skin

Girls with combination skin often have the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) as oily, while the cheeks can be dry or normal.

Effective facial care for each skin type

Photo: lorealparis

You can apply 2 other types of masks at the same time on your face.

Girls with combination skin can use products containing Glycolic Acid.

Effective facial care for each skin type


Depending on each skin type, we will have different facial care methods.

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