10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat

10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat 6
10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat 6

First, to get started with these arm fat reduction exercises, you should have a pair of small hand weights that are just right for you.

1. Overhead Shoulder Press

Stand in a ready position, feet shoulder-width apart.

Hold the dumbbells at shoulder height, arms facing inward.

Slowly raise the weight above your head, keeping your arms straight.

Take a deep breath and lower the weight slowly, repeating this movement 10-12 times.

2. Bent-Over Row

Maintain a half-bent position, feet shoulder-width apart.

Slowly lean forward, keeping your back straight to avoid back pain after exercising.

Breathe evenly and lift the dumbbells up to shoulder level or hold them a little higher than your shoulders.

Take a deep breath, slowly lower your arms back to the original position.

10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat

3. Upright Row

Feet shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells in both hands in front of thighs.

Slowly exhale and pull the dumbbells up, elbows facing out.

Inhale and lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat
10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat

4. Overhead Triceps Extension

Legs shoulder-width apart, back straight.

Hold a dumbbell in both hands, bend your elbows behind your head, and open your chest.

Slowly exhale and push the weight up.

Then return the weight to the position behind your head.

5. Wide Bicep Curl

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms holding dumbbells horizontally, palms facing up.

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms holding dumbbells horizontally, palms facing up.

Take a deep breath, bend your elbows,  pull the weights towards your ears.

Slowly stretch your elbows to shoulder level.

10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat

6. Bent-Over Reverse Fly

Maintain a half-bent position, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight.

Slowly lean forward, keeping your back straight.

Exhale and lift your arms to the sides, maintaining a slight curve from your arms to your shoulder blades.

Slowly lower the weights and continue doing this movement 10-12 times.

10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat
10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat

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7. Man Maker Burpee

This is a linked movement, affecting the front arm muscles, back arm muscles, shoulder muscles and connected muscle areas to help reduce arm fat comprehensively.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, breathe evenly, lift the dumbbells once and lower them.

Bend down and do this, straightening your legs.

Breathe evenly and lift the two dumbbells one at a time, returning to the starting position.

10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat

8. Chaturanga Push-Up

Start with your arms wider than your shoulders, your feet hip-width apart and keep your body straight (avoid sagging your back or lowering your buttocks to affect the spine).

Slowly bend your arms so your elbows point at a 45 degree angle, lower your body until it is parallel to the ground.

Use strength in your hands to push yourself back to the starting position.

10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat

9. Dolphin Dive

Lie parallel to the floor, arms folded over shoulders.

Slowly use force in your arms to straighten, push your body back, force your abdomen to fold, keep your back a little straight to feel a stretch in your lower back.

With fingers spread apart, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, lunge forward.

10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat

10. Triceps Dips

Hands placed behind, legs and feet straight, back parallel to the floor.

Slowly straighten your elbows, raising your pelvis parallel to the floor.

Breathe evenly and then lower yourself down.

10 exercises to help you effectively reduce arm fat

To effectively reduce arm fat and help your arms become firm and neat as you want, you should practice regularly every day.

The first few days of practicing exercises to reduce arm fat may cause pain due to muscle tension.

ELLE wishes you success in reducing arm fat and possessing firm, neat and attractive arms!

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