5 fastest exercises to lose thigh fat to get a `thigh gap`

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec28,2023 #exercises #fastest
5 fastest exercises to lose thigh fat to get a `thigh gap` 13
5 fastest exercises to lose thigh fat to get a `thigh gap` 13

The thigh gap is the space below your crotch and in between your upper and middle thighs.

Some myths about working out for a thigh gap are debunked

Thigh gap and thigh length are what girls strive to achieve and have been and still are controversial topics lately.

Myth 1: Anyone can get a supermodel thigh gap

The female bone structure and the way the femur naturally expands creates a gap between the thighs under optimal conditions.

This means you may be one of the majority who can get a thigh gap with enough practice.

Myth 2: You need to be a skinny supermodel to get a thigh gap

The presence or absence of a thigh gap is mainly due to a layer of fat on your inner thighs.

Myth 3: You need to avoid working on your leg muscles

Unless you’re taking muscle photos and doing 4 sets of squats with 225lbs, it’s unlikely you’ll have a lot of muscle blocking the formation of your thigh gap.

Top 5 exercises to get a thigh gap

Although losing thigh fat with a proper diet and exercise routine is the best way to get that sexy cleavage, there are some exercises specifically for the inner thigh areas that help firm them up.

1. Plie Squats (standing)

Standing attack

Step 1 – Stand straight, legs spread wider than shoulder width apart with toes pointing outward.

Step 2 – Straighten your back, lower your center of gravity as low as you can and keep your upper body intact.

Step 3. While keeping your thighs and buttocks tight, lift your back back to the starting position.

2. Pilates Leg Lift (leg lift)

5 fastest exercises to lose thigh fat to get a `thigh gap`

Raise your legs

Step 1 – Lie on one side with legs straight

Step 2 – Slowly raise your legs as high as possible to exercise the outer thighs

Step 3 – Lower your legs slowly back to the starting position.

3. Bridge Raises (whole body lift)

5 fastest exercises to lose thigh fat to get a `thigh gap`

Lift the whole body

Step 1 – Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet hip-width apart.

Step 2 – Raise your hips so that the line from your knees to your shoulders is in line while squeezing the teddy bear as tightly as possible.

Step 3 – Lower your hips back to the starting position but do not rest on the ground until you complete your reps.

4. Inner Leg Lift (inner thigh lift)

5 fastest exercises to lose thigh fat to get a `thigh gap`

Lift the inner thighs

Step 1 – Lie on your side, bend your upper leg and straighten your lower leg.

Step 2 – Slowly raise your bottom leg as high as possible.

Step 3 – Keeping your core and inner thighs tight, lower your back to the starting position.

5. Lateral Lunge (leg lunge exercise)

5 fastest exercises to lose thigh fat to get a `thigh gap`

Loose legs

Step 1 – Stand straight, legs wide open.

Step 2 – Step to the right with your right foot.

Step 3 – Gradually return up to your starting position.

Step 4 – Repeat on the other side.


see more

3 exercises to effectively reduce inner thigh fat

Slim legs with 4 methods of jogging to lose weight

Yoga exercises help reduce thigh fat

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