Face reading: 6 faces with bad fortune and how to overcome them

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec26,2023 #Face #Overcome
Face reading: 6 faces with bad fortune and how to overcome them 0
Face reading: 6 faces with bad fortune and how to overcome them 0

12 zodiac animals

Highlights of the fortune lines of the 12 zodiac animals in the second half of 2017

Eyebrows cover the road

The seal represents whether a person’s ideals can be realized or not.

Face reading: 6 faces with bad fortune and how to overcome them

How to resolve: When reading your face and detecting this eyebrow feature, our advice is to practice tolerance and understanding of others, and be grateful to everyone around you.

Eyebrows are not neat

Eyebrows are the brotherly bow, representing friends, colleagues, siblings and nobles.

Solution: You should associate with many people with compatible personalities and far-reaching ideals, adjust your eyebrows appropriately, and don’t let them grow tangled on your face.

Face reading: 6 faces with bad fortune and how to overcome them

Small ear lobes

Fortune lies in the ears, people with large ear lobes are often blessed, have few troubles in life, do not need to worry about food or clothing, and have good finances.

Solution: Normally, you should learn how to reduce pressure and find peace in your soul.

Teeth are uneven

`Teeth and hair are the roots of the human being`, so reading the face cannot ignore the characteristics of the teeth.

These people are often unreliable, stubborn, like to argue with others, dishonest and always have a hostile attitude.

Face reading: 6 faces with bad fortune and how to overcome them

Solution: In life, you should maintain trust and sincerity.

Pointed chin

The chin symbolizes earth, good fortune and good fortune.

How to resolve: You should practice the habit of accumulating, having good intentions and plans for your future destiny.

Face reading: 6 faces with bad fortune and how to overcome them

Heaven is small and narrow

Thien Dinh (the middle part of the forehead next to Thien Trung, usually Thien Dinh and Thien Trung occupy ½ of the height of the forehead) symbolizes heaven, representing a person’s wisdom and strategy.

Therefore, this is also one of the important characteristics when reading faces.

Solution: You should persevere in learning, accumulating experience, and cultivating a progressive spirit.

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