Overcome 9 work pressures that cause depression

Overcome 9 work pressures that cause depression 0
Overcome 9 work pressures that cause depression 0

You already know how to reduce stress while working

1. Work pressure because of not achieving KPIs and targets of various categories:

KPI and Target are indicators that companies often use to evaluate employee performance.

If you have worked your best but still cannot achieve the set indicators, prepare objective reasons such as: market fluctuations, company policies, personnel changes, competitors…


Overcome 9 work pressures that cause depression

When you encounter pressure at work, stay calm to find a solution

2. Tired of having a lot of work and not being able to finish the job:

“Don’t work hard, work smart”.

Overcome 9 work pressures that cause depression

Tips for living

Are you stressed, relieve stress with me?

3. Fatigue due to sitting at the computer for too long, eyes just want to go to sleep:

If your eyes are too tired, get up to go to the bathroom, or go get a drink of water, or invite a colleague to the canteen to buy something to sip and relax.

4. Bored because of repetitive work:

Many people like repetitive work to avoid having to think, but modern women often like jobs that are a bit challenging.


Overcome 9 work pressures that cause depression

Every problem at work has a solution

5. Being reprimanded by superiors:

Sometimes you are reprimanded for accidentally committing something.

Overcome 9 work pressures that cause depression

Tips for living

10 psychology to avoid in the work environment

6. Isolated by colleagues and not supported at work:

Maybe you need to make a change.

7. Low salary compared to job nature and personal abilities:

In this case, take out a piece of paper, then list the things you like about your job, the opportunities you get, the other benefits that the job you are doing brings, then compare it with


Overcome 9 work pressures that cause depression

Don’t let problems at work affect your life

8. Substandard working conditions:

Obviously, you need to promote your superiors, state clearly what you want and explain the need for your working conditions to improve.

9. No future advancement at work:

No employee likes to stay long in an environment where they do not see any advancement opportunities, at least in terms of salary.

Tips for living

What to do when you are tired and depressed about life?

Hopefully through this article, you can learn some valuable lessons for yourself in handling crises at work.

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