10 communication arts modern women should remember

10 communication arts modern women should remember 1
10 communication arts modern women should remember 1

Not a rigid way of living, but a way of living that respects yourself and others.

Small but delicate actions express many things

Politeness is not too difficult to show, but there are also the smallest simple things that not everyone knows.

ELLE compiles some small communication arts for you to make life easier.

1. Never visit anyone without calling first

10 communication arts modern women should remember

Before visiting someone’s house, call ahead to inform them

If you have ever encountered an unexpected visit, you will understand what it means to be `surprised` when the guest arrives at your door but you are still wearing a bathrobe and your feet are wearing cotton slippers.

2. Never wave an open parachute dry

10 communication arts modern women should remember

You should close the umbrella and stand it in a corner.

This applies whether you are in the office or at someone else’s home.

3. Do not place your carry-on bag on a laptop or chair

10 communication arts modern women should remember

A handbag can be hung on the back of the chair

A clutch should be placed gently on the table.

4. If the children in the house have their own room, you should knock on the door before entering

This helps create good habits for children. Whatever you do, they will imitate it.

5. You must pay close attention every time you mention 9 sensitive things

10 communication arts modern women should remember

Pay close attention when it comes to sensitive things

The 9 things that ELLE wants to talk about are: age, family background, internal family matters, religion, health issues, love affairs, gifts, rumors and career.

6. In a movie theater, theater, or performance, when passing through rows of seats, you should face them

10 communication arts modern women should remember

The important thing here is that you must face the other person when walking

There are always situations where your seat is in a row and you have to squeeze through a narrow path to get to your seat.

7. Saying bad things about someone when they are absent

10 communication arts modern women should remember

Especially in this case, you should not speak ill of your lover to others.

Especially in this case, you should not speak ill of your lover to others.

8. Avoid talking too much about: politics, religion, health, money

10 communication arts modern women should remember

If that friend still wants to know and mention it, answer frankly but gently

If you come across a question from a friend like: “This dress is so beautiful.

9. You are on a diet and refusing food will be considered rude

10 communication arts modern women should remember

Same with alcohol, don’t tell people you can’t drink

In this case, tell everyone you are on a diet because if you refuse the offered food it will make everyone feel unhappy.

10. When taking the elevator, you should stand closest to the door

Imagine an elevator with only you but you are standing far away from the control panel, a person is running but can’t catch the elevator in time and you can only stand and watch.

See more:

Learn how to communicate when angry

Modern women: Why should we be afraid of gender stereotypes?

Learn how to communicate well through habits

Successful women and how to balance life

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