Linh Ka returns with a self-composed song, affirming her desire to become a versatile young artist

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Mar29,2024 #affirming #Linh
Linh Ka returns with a self-composed song, affirming her desire to become a versatile young artist 2
Linh Ka returns with a self-composed song, affirming her desire to become a versatile young artist 2

On the evening of March 28, Linh Ka released the MV Tam Tri Em, a song composed by herself, in collaboration with male rapper Mason Nguyen (RZ Mas).

If in the 2023 debut product, Linh Ka scored points for her impressively invested image and good choreography, then in the MV Tam Tri Em, the female singer has affirmed her clear development in the music section.

According to Linh Ka, it took her nearly a year to continue releasing a music product because she wanted to have the best time to do it before sending it to the audience.

“I still practice singing and performing skills every day, watch idols I like to learn how they do their job, and then practice expressions in front of the mirror.

Linh Ka returns with a self-composed song, affirming her desire to become a versatile young artist
Linh Ka returns with a self-composed song, affirming her desire to become a versatile young artist

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Linh Ka and her journey of `breaking the cocoon`: `Only if you dare to stand up and continue, there will be change`

Also because they wanted to focus on their expertise and existing visual images, Linh Ka and her crew simplified the MV into a simple story.

To give the song an impressive rhythm, Linh Ka invited male rapper Mason Nguyen (RZ Mas) to take on the rap part.

Linh Ka returns with a self-composed song, affirming her desire to become a versatile young artist

Accordingly, Tam Tri Em is also Linh Ka’s opening music product in 2024, showing the young female singer’s progress in the music field.

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