4 communication skills to heal love

4 communication skills to heal love 4
4 communication skills to heal love 4

Love always has levels of sadness, happiness, and anger.

What do you do to mend a love that is at risk of falling apart?

Communication in a relationship is like the atmosphere in life, without communication, love affairs cannot exist.

Communication skills between couples are extremely important and should be cultivated every day.

1. Face each other:

When talking to our lovers, we often only share the surface of the problem and avoid our own desires and fears because we worry that things will get worse.

4 communication skills to heal love


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2. Burn out the “Criticism and defense” script:

According to a study by a University in the US, 65% of couples only talk about things they don’t like about each other when arguing.

4 communication skills to heal love


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3. Consistency of intentions and words:

Have you ever meant to say thing A but ended up saying B?

4 communication skills to heal love

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4. Discover deep meanings:

Even though you are passionately in love, you never know everything about your lover.

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Speak from the heart – The foundation for a positive communication “triangle”.

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