The secret to completely treating acne on the body

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec31,2023 #completely #treating
The secret to completely treating acne on the body 0
The secret to completely treating acne on the body 0

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

5 things to know when using acne cleanser

If you have ever suffered from acne and the acne recurs after a long period of treatment, of course you just want to get rid of them forever.

Why does acne recur?

First, we need to know the reason why body acne often recurs.

The secret to completely treating acne on the body

Sweat is also considered one of the catalysts that make body acne worse (photo: Shuttershocks)

How to limit acne recurrence?

First, you need to keep clean.

Second, note that when choosing clothes, you should not choose clothes that are tight or too tight, especially when you exercise.

The secret to completely treating acne on the body

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Can Vaseline help treat acne effectively?

Finally, to completely limit the possibility of acne recurring, you should look for exfoliants such as glycolic acid or salicylic acid to reduce and prevent stains.

The secret to completely treating acne on the body
The secret to completely treating acne on the body
The secret to completely treating acne on the body

Absorbent pads, lotions and shower gels containing glycolic acid and salicylic acid are considered a lifesaver for those who often suffer from body acne, especially on the back

How to remove existing acne spots?

Preventing and treating acne spots on the body are quite similar because they both help soothe acne redness, kill bacteria and clean stains.

The skin on the back is often thicker so it can withstand strong doses of pharmaceuticals (photo: Her World)

If the above methods aren’t working for your skin, it may be time to make an appointment with your dermatologist.

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