Foods that help the body eliminate unpleasant scents

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Feb10,2024 #Foods #unpleasant
Foods that help the body eliminate unpleasant scents 1
Foods that help the body eliminate unpleasant scents 1

Women always have the same concern about how to get rid of body odor.

The natural scent always makes the other person unforgettable.


Foods that help the body eliminate unpleasant scents

Photo: Unsplash.

In addition to detoxifying the body, lemon also contains natural disinfectants and antibacterial properties that help eliminate body odor and bad breath caused by bacteria.

Tips to deodorize body with filtered water

Foods that help the body eliminate unpleasant scents

Drinking enough water is not only good for your health and skin but also helps the body eliminate unpleasant odors.

For women, filtered water has many uses in beautifying the skin.

Reduce bad breath from yogurt

Foods that help the body eliminate unpleasant scents

Yogurt prevents bad breath.

Probiotics in yogurt reduce the content of sulphite compounds that cause body odor.

Foods that help the body eliminate unpleasant scents

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Green tea effectively prevents bad odors

Foods that help the body eliminate unpleasant scents

Photo: Pexels.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help prevent bad breath, body odor and foot odor.

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Apples are also a wonderfully fragrant food

Apples help prevent the formation of odor-causing bacteria.

An interesting thing that few people know is that apples can eliminate unpleasant body odors very well.

Orange brings a pleasant fragrance

Fruits help the body smell naturally.

When talking about foods that create fragrance for the body, you should not ignore this fruit.

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Foods that help increase the body’s resistance

Tomatoes help reduce the amount of sweat in the body

Tomatoes effectively reduce sweating and help prevent body odor.

A fruit that also has many uses and helps improve odor is tomatoes.

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